

Bringing you catalytic perspectives on the food system and food movement.

Power Building for the Food Movement: A Mighty River From Many Streams

June 19, 2015 Michael R. Dimock

As ROC has said before, the food movement is composed of many streams of advocacy: worker and food justice, public health, faith-based, sustainable agriculture, climate and environmental protection, local economies, […]

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Local Health Department Spotlight: Collaboration in Plumas County

May 28, 2015 Roots of Change

by Holly Calhoun, Roots of Change. Dynamically meeting the needs of the community, as identified by the community. That’s what the Plumas County Public Health Agency strives to do, and […]

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Food Sovereignty & The Food Movement

May 20, 2015 Michael R. Dimock

How do we make change in the food movement? Clearly we can adjust our buying and eating habits. We can tell our friends, neighbors and colleagues about the importance of […]

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Your voice makes a difference: ENACT 2015

May 13, 2015 Michael R. Dimock

Your voice matters in policymaking, but you can’t be heard unless you speak up! We invite you to join others who are asking the state Legislature to create a statewide […]

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Coming Together in the San Joaquin Valley

Roots of Change

by Holly Calhoun, Roots of Change. April 30, 2015 – “We are all in this together” Chukou Thao said acknowledging the various groups in the room at the Nation Hmong […]

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Collective Impact: Case Study of the Los Angeles Food Policy Council’s Good Food Purchasing Policy

April 29, 2015 Roots of Change

By Holly Calhoun, Roots of Change. On Wednesday 4/22/15 the Los Angeles Food Policy Council (LAFPC) bimonthly Network Meeting featured a case study and panel discussion on their Good Food […]

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Earth Day Begins with the Soil

April 22, 2015 Roots of Change

Photo source: biocycle.net Earth Day is about saving the earth. But this Earth Day the future could seem a bit bleak. Global warming – with its epic California drought – […]

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Food movement has a role in tackling drought and climate change

April 9, 2015 Michael R. Dimock

The drought is terrifying farmers and ranchers. Now is the moment for the food movement to support agriculture and help it move to a new and better place. You cannot […]

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An Awesome, Under-Recognized Opportunity to Act on Climate

March 20, 2015 Roots of Change

By Diana Donlon. As a plant-lover I’ve always appreciated healthy soil, but it wasn’t until I heard a rancher named Richard King explain how rebuilding the organic matter in soils […]

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Food Movement Gains Ground Despite Resistance

March 12, 2015 Michael R. Dimock

There are many signs that the food movement is having its intended impact AND we have much more to do to achieve a healthy, equitable and resilient food system. You […]

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