
Live Podcast: Our Restaurant Mecca is Becoming a Wreaka

Please join us for a special live podcast event in San Francisco at Manny’s on Friday evening July 12th. This honest conversation will center on how San Francisco and the Bay Area can maintain its place as a culinary Mecca, given the cost of living. Affordable leases for space are very rare and it is nearly impossible to hire crews because they cannot find affordable housing, or they are under pressure from immigration authorities. Plus, restaurants face increasing competition from hi tech firms that create their own food service programs within their facilities. On top of all that many small farms, particularly those producing high quality meat, are dying off because of the challenges of processing and distribution. So, I will be in conversation with Anthony Myint of Mission Chinese and Perennial fame and Duskie Estes, whom you may know from the Food Network’s, Next Iron Chef, and who recently closed her restaurant Zazu in Sonoma County. We’ll explore the challenges and the opportunities that this crisis creates. To learn more, you can visit Manny’s website, the roots of change website, or watch our social media for links. I hope to see you on July 12th.