

Bringing you catalytic perspectives on the food system and food movement.

Food & Farming Presentations @ Bioneers Conference 2025

Berkeley, CA Berkeley, CA, United States

→ 20 % discount available for Roots of Change Network. Please request the discount code via [email protected].   The Bioneers Conference has always, since its inception 36 years ago, had Food and Farming as one of its core domains of interest, realizing that the impacts of agriculture on our ecosystems, of the food we consume […]

Live Flipping the Table podcast @ SF Climate Week

Manny's 3092 16th Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us from 5pm to 6pm on April 19th in San Francisco for a conversation with Loren Ponica, a regenerative rancher and owner of Stemple Creek Ranch, and Duskie Estes, a chef, farmer, rancher, owner of Black Pick Meat Co., and fierce proponent of regenerative agriculture. Hear about how their work heals the climate and the land. This is […]