
Healthy Food Access

US Farmers And Ranchers Begin With A Monologue While Consumers Want A Dialogue

September 30, 2011 Michael R. Dimock

The newly formed and already much discussed U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance recently commissioned a national survey. It showed that slightly more American’s feel the food system is headed in […]

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Vote With Your Fork

July 1, 2011 Roots of Change

Independence Day is right around the corner. This Fourth of July, you can make a deliberate effort to further propel the movement to eat fresh, local and healthy. Roots of […]

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2012 Farm Bill Priorities

June 30, 2011 Michael R. Dimock

Testimony before the State Board of Food and Agriculture Regarding 2012 Farm Bill Priorities Sacramento, CA Good morning Madam Secretary, President McNamara and Members of the Board. Thank you for […]

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Support a Healthy, Just and Sustainable Food and Farming System

May 27, 2011 Roots of Change

The House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee recently adopted a government funding bill that if passed would turn back decades of progress to achieve a more sustainable and just food and farming […]

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Health, Food and Reform

May 20, 2011 Michael R. Dimock

Presentation to the Southern California Public Health Officer Meeting The Children’s Bureau, Los Angeles, CA Public health officials from 8 counties and 2 cities in Southern California met to discuss […]

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Composting – Good for You, Your Garden and the Environment

May 7, 2011 Roots of Change

It’s International Compost Awareness Week! What are you doing to help support our environment and food system? As a supporter of this educational initiative, ROC is providing you with some […]

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NRDC’s 2011 Leaders In Food & Farms

April 28, 2011 Roots of Change

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) will honor the winners of the 2011 “Growing Green Awards” tonight in a special ceremony. This year’s winners include some the nation’s leading farmers, […]

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Leading Voices for a Sustainable Food System

April 7, 2011 Roots of Change

When you think about climate change does agriculture and the food system come to mind? The direct connection between the two may not always be evident but they are unavoidably […]

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Is Your Diet Affecting the Environment?

March 23, 2011 Roots of Change

Tweet Do you know your carbon food print, the carbon impacts of your food choices? We may not always think about it but the actions we take can greatly affect […]

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Can Agroecology Feed the World?

March 20, 2011 Roots of Change

Many people today believe that the answer to feed our growing population lies in Agroecology, a framework and set of principles for designing and managing farms, ranches, and direct relationships […]

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