
Environment & Climate

Health, Food and Reform

May 20, 2011 Michael R. Dimock

Presentation to the Southern California Public Health Officer Meeting The Children’s Bureau, Los Angeles, CA Public health officials from 8 counties and 2 cities in Southern California met to discuss […]

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Composting – Good for You, Your Garden and the Environment

May 7, 2011 Roots of Change

It’s International Compost Awareness Week! What are you doing to help support our environment and food system? As a supporter of this educational initiative, ROC is providing you with some […]

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NRDC’s 2011 Leaders In Food & Farms

April 28, 2011 Roots of Change

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) will honor the winners of the 2011 “Growing Green Awards” tonight in a special ceremony. This year’s winners include some the nation’s leading farmers, […]

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Leading Voices for a Sustainable Food System

April 7, 2011 Roots of Change

When you think about climate change does agriculture and the food system come to mind? The direct connection between the two may not always be evident but they are unavoidably […]

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Is Your Diet Affecting the Environment?

March 23, 2011 Roots of Change

Tweet Do you know your carbon food print, the carbon impacts of your food choices? We may not always think about it but the actions we take can greatly affect […]

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Can Agroecology Feed the World?

March 20, 2011 Roots of Change

Many people today believe that the answer to feed our growing population lies in Agroecology, a framework and set of principles for designing and managing farms, ranches, and direct relationships […]

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California’s Food System. Where Is It Headed?

February 25, 2011 Michael R. Dimock

Tweet Roots of Change (ROC) president, Michael Dimock, had the pleasure to interview one of the leading figures in the food movement, Michael Pollan. Pollan is the author of several […]

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Top 10 Achievements of ROC Network in 2010

Michael R. Dimock

  Tweet Roots of Change (ROC) continues to evolve as we head into 2011, but before we move forward we’d like to take a moment and reflect on the accomplishments […]

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Congratulations Karen Ross, new Secretary of CDFA

January 14, 2011 Michael R. Dimock

Important News –Governor Jerry Brown has appointed Karen Ross as Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). She has most recently been Chief of Staff with the […]

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Opening Remarks, 2010 ROC Network Summit

October 5, 2010 Michael R. Dimock

Wow, so this is so exciting for me and for the ROC team. By team I mean the Council, the Staff and our group of consultants. This event culminates years […]

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