

Bringing you catalytic perspectives on the food system and food movement.

DonÕt End Agricultural Subsidies, Fix Them

March 1, 2011 Roots of Change

Imagine support designed to encourage a resurgence of small- and medium-size farms producing not corn syrup and animal-feed but food we can touch, see, buy and eat — like apples […]

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Farmers Worry As Unually Cold Temps Grip CA

February 26, 2011 Roots of Change

Almond growers and other tree fruit farmers in Central and Northern California are bracing for possible crop damage this weekend as unusually cold temperatures gripped the state and set low-temperature […]

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Reduce your Footprint

February 22, 2011 Roots of Change

helpful tips from Ecological Footprint to help reduce your carbon footprint

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Jamie Oliver: Food fighter

February 19, 2011 Roots of Change

Talking to the English chef about his program 'Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution,' a TV show that's not just about healthy food but also about converting skeptics and unbelievers.

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The Color of Food

February 16, 2011 Roots of Change

The Color of Food report is a  broad survey of the food system, to map out the race, gender and class of workers along the supply chain.

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USDA Calls for Dramatic Change in School Lunches

January 12, 2011 Roots of Change

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a new plan that will raise the nutrition standards for school lunch meals for the first time in 15 years.

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Nitrous Oxide, a Greenhouse Gas, Three Times Higher in Rivers than IPCC Estimates

January 10, 2011 Roots of Change

A new report points to growing concern over nitrous oxide, a lesser-known but potent greenhouse gas.

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America’s Good Food Fight

January 9, 2011 Roots of Change

It's agribusiness vs. the sustainable food movement. And reform advocates say it's possible to make delicious, nutritious, safe food available to all people of all income levels.

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Farmland By The Numbers

January 2, 2011 Roots of Change

Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2007 National Resources Inventory story of our nation’s farm and ranch land loss in numbers.

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CFBF Food & Farm News

December 15, 2010 Roots of Change

CFBF's latest news reports the start of the winter growing season, strong strawberry production

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