

Bringing you catalytic perspectives on the food system and food movement.

California rice ahead of curve on reducing greenhouse gases

January 7, 2013 Roots of Change

California rice grower Tom Butler is on a fact-finding mission. For four years, he has been applying two new practices to his Sacramento Valley fields.

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Happy Holidays

December 19, 2012 Roots of Change

  This holiday season we want to thank our network and their incredible accomplishments! Thank you for being a part of our ROCkstar community committed to a healthy, vibrant, equitable […]

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Slow Food International Congress Adopts Statement in Support of California’s Proposition 37, To Label GMOs

October 29, 2012 Roots of Change

October 29, 2012   Turin, Italy — ROC President, Michael R. Dimock, introduced the following motion at the Slow Food International Congress in Turin, Italy. 650 delegates representing 95 nations unanimously adopted […]

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LA Times Op-Ed: The case for Prop. 37

October 11, 2012 Roots of Change

The moment of truth is fast approaching for many Californians regarding Proposition 37, a Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Initiative. The fate of this ballot proposition will be voted […]

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Governor Brown Signs Three Bills To Support Healthy Food and Farms

October 2, 2012 Roots of Change

The legislative session has ended with Governor Brown signing three bills of interest to health, environment and sustainable farming advocates. We thank you for all your support in helping make […]

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Local Produce Increasingly Preferred To Organic, Consumer Survey Shows

September 26, 2012 Roots of Change

A recent survey of grocery shoppers commissioned by Whole Foods Market gives new credence to a belief that's taken hold in the sustainable food movement over the past few years: […]

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Planting Seeds For Change

September 17, 2012 Roots of Change

A garden in every school – can you imagine that? A Bay Area community is well on its way, with impressive statistics showing that 52% of its public elementary schools […]

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Beyond Farmers Markets: Why Local Food Belongs on Grocery Shelves

September 6, 2012 Roots of Change

There are tremendous untapped opportunities for producers to sell their products locally, further fueling the U.S. economy and expanding agriculture's impact.

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Vertical farm: Farmer takes crops to new heights

September 5, 2012 Roots of Change

Alegria Fresh is the first hydroponic, vertical farm on the West Coast, and Cutter is hoping to become a model for high-yield, resource-efficient growing. The farm – 150 7-foot-tall towers […]

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Connecting kids to water and wildlife

August 31, 2012 Roots of Change

The project provides a living laboratory for students from kindergarten through high school. The young scientists conduct field studies in the ranch's restored wetlands—testing water quality, identifying wildlife, collecting insects, […]

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