

Bringing you catalytic perspectives on the food system and food movement.

ROC Releases CAFPC 2013 Legislative Report

January 8, 2014 Roots of Change

First-Ever Report on California Food and Farming Legislation is Released California Food Policy Council and Roots of Change push elected officials for food systems reform OAKLAND, CA (January 8, 2014) […]

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Univision & TV Crews flock to cover CAFPC launch

Roots of Change

Chef Brenda Ruiz of Sacramento and Y. Armando Nieto of Oakland spoke their truths about food justice for California’s Latino communities in this Univision19 news feature covering our press conference.  […]

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Food Reform on CA’s Front Burner: CA Food Policy Council report launches

Roots of Change

The California Food Policy Council’s 2013 Report on CA Legislation Related to Food & Farming was greeted with its fair share of media fanfare. A front-page article ran in the […]

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Making $7.75 an Hour, and Figuring There’s Little to Lose by Speaking Out

July 1, 2013 Roots of Change

The economic comebacks of New York, of New Jersey and of so many states ride piggyback on the growth of low-wage jobs, on the hiring of those who dip French […]

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Voting One Way, Eating Another

June 27, 2013 Roots of Change

Research has shown that a majority of people, when asked, would like to improve the lives of farm animals. Yet only a fraction of the country will pay for products […]

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Food, Farms, and Fracking in California: A Panel Discussion

June 25, 2013 Roots of Change

In California, fracking has been taking place for decades with little public awareness. California has the largest oil shale reserves in the country, and in the Monterey Shale alone, there […]

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Small Farmers Tap Creative Projects To Survive

June 22, 2013 Roots of Change

Small-scale growers throughout the U.S. are looking for creative ways to set themselves apart as they find that survival requires more than just selling crops. Experts say these practices are […]

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May 22 Farm Bill Action Alert

May 22, 2013 Roots of Change

The Senate debate for a 2013 Farm Bill has already begun. Once again we have a chance to weigh in on our nation’s food and farm policy. Join us as […]

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A River Runs Through It

Roots of Change

 Everyone agrees that the only way to fix the Gulf of Mexico dead zone—the largest off the United States—is to fix the Mississippi, but not everyone agrees how. 

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Sonoma County Farm Uses Social Media to Cut Food Waste and Increase Profits

May 12, 2013 Roots of Change

 One family farm in Sonoma County is using social media to try to [increase profits] that and reduce food waste at the same time.

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