

Bringing you catalytic perspectives on the food system and food movement.

Coming Together in the San Joaquin Valley

May 13, 2015 Roots of Change

by Holly Calhoun, Roots of Change. April 30, 2015 – “We are all in this together” Chukou Thao said acknowledging the various groups in the room at the Nation Hmong […]

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Collective Impact: Case Study of the Los Angeles Food Policy Council’s Good Food Purchasing Policy

April 29, 2015 Roots of Change

By Holly Calhoun, Roots of Change. On Wednesday 4/22/15 the Los Angeles Food Policy Council (LAFPC) bimonthly Network Meeting featured a case study and panel discussion on their Good Food […]

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Earth Day Begins with the Soil

April 22, 2015 Roots of Change

Photo source: biocycle.net Earth Day is about saving the earth. But this Earth Day the future could seem a bit bleak. Global warming – with its epic California drought – […]

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An Awesome, Under-Recognized Opportunity to Act on Climate

March 20, 2015 Roots of Change

By Diana Donlon. As a plant-lover I’ve always appreciated healthy soil, but it wasn’t until I heard a rancher named Richard King explain how rebuilding the organic matter in soils […]

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Market Match: Making California’s Farmers’ Markets Accessible

December 12, 2014 Roots of Change

Civil Eats: When Allison Miller lost her job as a server at a restaurant that closed last summer, she wasn’t sure how she would make ends meet while living in […]

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Setting the Table for a Better Food Policy

November 28, 2014 Roots of Change

Consider the turkey sandwich. There are worse places to start if you’d like to make a difference. From its factory-farmed protein to its industrially processed soybean-oil mayo, let’s face it: […]

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Food and Farm Report Grades Policy

November 24, 2014 Roots of Change

A recently released report by the Humboldt Food Policy Council, Roots of Change and the California Food Policy Council (CAFPC) unveils 2014 food and farm policy voting results by California […]

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Food Groups Give Report on Legislators

November 22, 2014 Roots of Change

Two food advocacy groups have released a report on how California legislators voted this year on 15 bills related to food and farming.

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Food and Politics Both on the Menu

Roots of Change

The organic farmer was introducing the Sacramento Area Council of Governments’ incoming chairman when the crowd at the brick-walled restaurant parted for the governor and his wife and their entourage. […]

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How well has California legislature tackled food and farm issues?

November 18, 2014 Roots of Change

The 2014 Report on Legislation Related to Food and Farming [PDF], came from the California Food Policy Council, a relatively new coalition of 26 organizations from around the state. The […]

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