

Bringing you catalytic perspectives on the food system and food movement.

A nutrition program California should stop starving now

June 3, 2016 Roots of Change

Last year, California passed a modest bill that should have been a no-brainer. The California Nutrition Incentives Act set up a program to discount fruits and vegetables for CalFresh shoppers […]

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California Assemblyman Proposes Soda Tax

March 17, 2016 Roots of Change

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) — In an attempt to combat high rates of obesity and diabetes in California, a lawmaker from Santa Monica announced Wednesday he is introducing bill that would […]

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Soda Tax Is Again Before California Legislators

Roots of Change

California lawmakers have again introduced legislation to impose a fee on sodas and other sugary beverages — not a true tax, but a “health impact fee” to be paid by beverage […]

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Need for Improvement on Ag Policy

November 20, 2015 Roots of Change

OAKLAND, Calif. — A report released this week by the California Food Policy Council (CAFPC) and Roots of Change reveals the 2015 food and farm policy votes of California’s 120 elected state […]

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California Wants to Help Low-Income Residents Buy More Fresh Produce

November 19, 2015 Roots of Change

A new bill could help more Californians afford to shop at farmers’ markets and food hubs and help pave the way for similar efforts nationwide. For many low-income folks living […]

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ROC and CAFPC release 2015 Legislative Report

Roots of Change

Annual Report Again Sees Need For Improvement By State’s Legislature on Food and Farm Policy. The California Food Policy Council Grows, Linking Nearly 500 Organizations. Oakland, CA (November 19, 2015) […]

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How Oakland’s Roots of Change is Transforming Food Policy in California

November 13, 2015 Roots of Change

What’s the difference between free range and organic chickens? Should I eat quinoa? And tell me again why organic spinach is twice the cost of conventional? Given the complexity of […]

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Food Stamps at Farmers’ Markets

September 30, 2015 Roots of Change

Local leaders are working to get governor brown to pass a bill to let people on food stamps by fresh fruit and vegetables at local farmer’s markets.  The plan is trying to cash in […]

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Local Health Department Spotlight: Collaboration in Plumas County

May 28, 2015 Roots of Change

by Holly Calhoun, Roots of Change. Dynamically meeting the needs of the community, as identified by the community. That’s what the Plumas County Public Health Agency strives to do, and […]

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Native Food Sovereignty

May 18, 2015 Roots of Change

Tribe members explore importance of tradition in diet Days of active genocide and diaspora may have passed for local native peoples, but the consequences of that violent history have been far […]

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